Advanced Multifamily Syndication

Underwriting – Non Op Expenses, Returns, Sponsor Comp, and Market Survey

Advanced Multifamily Syndication

Underwriting – OP Expenses

Advanced Multifamily Syndication

Underwriting – OP Income

Advanced Multifamily Syndication

Underwriting – intro and the Deal

Accounting Pro

Purchase Statement

Syndication Course

Bonus- Structure Your Promote

Syndication Course

Bonus- Common Mistakes Made by Sponsors

Syndication Course

Networking and Building your Database

Passive Investing

Key Items to Look for in a Legal Offering

Passive Investing

Subscription Agreement

Passive Investing

Operating Agreement

Passive Investing

Private placement Memorandum

Passive Investing

Understanding Different Return Metrics

Passive Investing

Subordinated Deal Structure

Passive Investing

Preferred Returns Explained

AdvancedPassive Investing

Return on Return